Monday, August 24, 2009

Of rockets, riding waves and baggages

Sometimes, you rise when you are out of a relationship (friendship or something even special). Its like the other person has been holding you down from launching off.

Some other times though, your life takes off when you meet someone. Its like you got onto a big wave and suddenly you realize that you know how to surf skillfully.

We meet people of both the kinds. The only reason evolution took such a long time is that humans never made a conscious decision to choose being with the second type. We get entangled and end up carrying the huge emotional luggage for the trek.

In a perfect world, the same constraint holding your rocket from taking off could be the big wave that someone else wants to take a ride on.


Madhurjya (Banjo) Banerjee said...

very interesting

Unknown said...

any more new articles coming up?

viski said...

@Banjo: Thanks!

@Sunil: Hmm...a blog is pending from long time..i'll probly give it a shape sometime soon!..thanks for asking!