Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pizza delivery.

Try forgetting something which you don't even remember.

Try losing something which you never owned.

Try accepting its over with someone, when there was nothing to start with.

Try not believing in mithya - an illusion of possessing something.

You are never its owner; you are just like a pizza delivery boy.
With the duty of carrying it safely to its destination.
With an awareness that you yourself are also like a pizza to be delivered.


Madhurjya (Banjo) Banerjee said...

Who are you being delivered by?

viski said...

Wish I knew!

Cane-an said...

Deep viski...
Very deep.
Next time I order a triple pepperoni, I would remember this....

viski said...

Hehe cane-an! And dont forget to tip the pizza delivery boy