Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time machine

Mr. H G Wells, you have spend nights writing about an intricate machine that can take you back and forth in time. I have done very simple to achieve about half of all that. Just rolled my thumb over my ipod and closed my eyes. Jodha-Akbar songs just got me back to that wonderful/painful/joyful/sorrowful first quarter of 2008. I open my eyes and realize that Wesst Kinara (West Coast for the mango ppl) is far far away.

And the limitation that intervening in the past would take me to a different parallel universe (with possibly different outcome of events) still holds good. Einstein & Hawking would become furious otherwise.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could go back in time :) But right now I am looking for fast forward button :D


viski said...

Going back is easy
Moving on is difficult
Fast forward is impossible

Anonymous said...

I know that as of now such a thing can just be a fiction but I would not say its impossible hi hi. This human dream might come true someday :P