Friday, November 23, 2007

There's someone in my head. Buts it not me!

Its all in the head. They say. The world as you see it. The people as you want them to be. There is a character in my mind. It looks like someone familiar. It talks like a friend. The character started taking shape when I got to know that person better. The character, sitting on my shoulder, listened to all my conversations with that person. And further, it also knows the stuff I wanted to talk to that person but couldn't. Subconsciously the character moulded itself in the way I wanted the person to be. It laughs at my PJs, likes the genre of music I wish that person likes. Eats my kind of food, enjoys my favorite movies. And I took it further. I put the character in so many situations I might face in future that it has developed a certain kind of emotional artificial intelligence of its own. The character is my dream. It has all the features I wanted in someone. I just loved it. Poor heart, it is satisfied by it. But the mind had different plans. It wanted to share the dream. Let the person who inspired it all know the piece of art (which breathes and looks the same as the person) created in my mind. Be envious of it. But finally prove who is the original and who is a mere copy. In the tussles between heart and mind, I guess mind wins always. I think its also fair. You have something worthwhile, might as well flaunt it.

The original wasn't amused by all this (not "thrilled" rather). She couldn't see where the character can get into her skin. Well, what if she couldn't laugh at my jokes. I started making exceptions, slowly stripping the character of all the features, which made it a mere thought. I refused to part with it. I'm not ready to let go of the phantom in my mind. It took years for me to make it like me, know my emotional balances, understand me more than myself. It is now an intelligent self sustaining model in the brain. The kid has grown into an adult. I depend on it now. The no from her did affect the character for a while. Questioning the very existence of it. Lots of self-doubts, days and nights of introspection. After the turmoil, the answer comes clear. Keep them seperate. The copy has undergone so many transformations that the only thing that remains of the original is its shadow. The copy is an original in itself now. It can keep me happy for the time to come till some other original appears and erases the character. I'm happy with it now. Found my peace of mind. My mind likes the person in its own way. Expecting nothing. But hoping that the person knows what an inspiring original it was.


Unknown said...

Amen to that:P

Cane-an said...

The struggle everyone faces in knowing oneself and above all accepting oneself!
Sometimes you win (and the subconscious being changes to fit you) and sometimes you lose (and the vice-versa happens). But in the end it always is a compromise...

viski said...

well said kanan!

Josh said...

jus observed the 'buts it not me' in the title.

viski said...

thanks for that..I know that S is misplaced..will correct it next time I write a similar blog.

Valli said...
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