Saturday, October 6, 2007

So, you THINK you like it! Do you KNOW that? you WISH!

Early morning 5:30 on a sunday might be the least expected time to blog. But when clarity appears suddenly in your mind, it knows no time zones. I actually might be dreaming now as I search for keys on the keyboard in a zero-watt-bulb lit room. Anyways I hope there is that keyhole through which I get to glance-in glance-out my dream world from reality.

So, you think you like something. I actually like Death By Chocolate (The Mr.Wonka Speciality from Corner House,Banglore) and I know that. Quite often in life, there are things which I wish I like. They are thought more by the 'wannabe' part of myself. For example, I wish I like the super-cool attitude with a 'hi-babe yo-dude' kinda culture.

Then there are things which I think I like. Most of my likings which I say out or which are known to my friends can be grouped into this category. My buddies think that I relish classical rock, enjoy watching movies, devouring lotsa sweets (not these days as I am on me, i die-to-diet...its that difficult), like a certain kind of women. They have roots from the environmental in which I grew up, the kinda friends I hang out with and the idols I try to ape (I am proud of copying all those style-gurus as they are all a generation ahead).

Finally, there are things in this world I know I like. These are the few things that I found out give me true happiness. They could be as silly as closing my eyes when I savour a home-made sweet or whisling in a movie theatre when my fav actor comes on the screen.They could be as nostalgic as hearing David Gilmour strum his guitar for comfortably numb. A few of these things are borrowed from my previous list. These are developed more out my personal experience. Trying out things that I think I like and knowing if they give me happiness.The key thing here is trying. You tend to have some liking/disliking towards something. If you just trace back to its roots, it could be because of some very arbit & insignificant piece of moment.

The quicker you know the things you like, the faster you can reach the ultimate happiness. The key thing again is trying; read signals from life, act on it. You could be wrong. Its ok to fail. Atleast you tried to find your true calling. You gave the universe its fair chance to change your life. And trust me, it never fails. You may feel you are on the wrong track, you may think you are wasting your time now. See the big picture. When I take the first step out from my home towards MG road (which btw is on the west-side of CV Raman Nagar), I dont necessarily start going towards west.

All I am saying is in life what matters is the ride and not the destination. In a roller-coaster ride, it ain't fun if you are just waiting for trip to finish. Start knowing things which give you true happiness. You may have a few surprises in the list! And always give the all powerful universe its fair chance to change your life. You never know!


Josh said...

at 5:30 am on a sunday morn two things seem to peak in viski..
philosophical output
grammatical errors :-D

Valli said...

Loved this entry.

viski said...

Josh, the typos esply show the incoherance, mind was focusing more on the fundae (nice try eh?)

thanks for your comments. shall take care about the typos (time zone as well) next time.

Shiva.G said...

B.E.A.Utiful piece.. !!!

viski said...

Thanks shiva!

Cane-an said...

So you are turning philosophical these days eh????

Unknown said...

i liked this one...understood it for a change:P

viski said...

Thanks blogs are useless if they aren't appreciated by patrons like you :-)